Make Cooking Easy!

You are an Athlete! You lead a very busy life. Cooking is likely last on your list. BUT....Cooking meals at home is the best way to ensure that your getting optimal nutrition and balance. Let me walk you though my favorite tips on how to make cooking easier.

Prepared Foods!

Many Grocery Stores now prepare foods for your convenience. Foods like rotisserie chicken,  pre cooked grilled chicken, pre cooked frozen salmon burgers (heat and serve), frozen- cooked brown rice and quinoa, and soups and stews. These are all healthy and can be used as short cuts to creating a balanced and nutritious sports nutrition minded meal!

Air Fry - without an Air Fryer!

Do you really need another complicated appliance on your counter? My favorite cooking tool is the Gotham Steel Crisper Tray. You can "Air Fry" anything from potatoes (hello crispy baked fries!) to kale chips to turkey bacon to  crispy zucchini. You can do so without oil or just with a minimal amount of avocado or olive oil.  

InstaPot and Slow Cooker

The InstaPot has been all the rage in recent years...for good reason! What's easier than tossing a bunch of ingredients in a pot and pressing the start button? Meals like Mexican Tortilla Soup, Turkey Chili, Chicken Farro Soup, and Beef Stew....are all cooked and ready to eat in 20-30 mins! You can even make perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs for the week in less than 5 mins. It's an athletes BFF.   

The Slow Cooker is also a fabulous tool. Prepare in the morning and it's ready by the team you get home. Boom.

Pre-Chopped Fruit and Veggies

These will be a little more pricy than whole fruits and veggies...but they will save you time and the chore of cleaning cutting boards and knives. Every second counts on those super busy days! Plus...if you see cut up fruit and veggies in your fridge you are more likely to eat them. And that's the goal! Grocery Stores now have combinations of pre-cut veggies to make stir frys and salads that you literally throw in a cast iron pan and cook in mins.   What a time saver!  

If you are like me...and want to buy whole veggies but still want to save time will love this veggie chopper . It is actually  super fun and of course saves the time and energy of chopping (and cleaning up!).

End Game

However you can make it easier to cook at home, I suggest hopping on it. Find what works for you and go with that. It's going to make you a healthier athlete...and healthier athletes are always better athletes. 


**Have you found ways to make cooking easier? More fun? More Efficient? Let me know and I'll highlight it in my upcoming content!


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