Nutrition and Mindset?

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2022

Does Nutrition Impact an Athlete's Mindset


It sure does! Its a little known connection but its a powerful one!

We know what a sugar high feels like or the comforting feeling of Moms homemade Mac and Cheese when we are feeling down. It improves our mood and makes us feel better....temporarily.  Does this attempt to feel better affect our athletic performance?


Poor nutritional choices leading to consistent poor eating habits negatively affect our performance as athletes.  We know it can cause fatigue, slower speed, and less production of power. But did you know it can cause a reduction in hand eye coordination, mental sharpness, positive thinking and motivation? The mental impact is just a s important as the physical impact of nutrition!


Lets break it down

Did you realize that a suboptimal diet full of processed foods, fast foods and low in fruits, veggies, protein, good fat and complex cars (whole foods) can lead to symptoms such as inability to concentrate, aggression, irritability, inability to respond to stress constructively,  headaches and migraines, decrease in ability to remember facts and tasks, mood swings, cholesterol build up, erratic blood sugar response, and an increase in blood pressure. A for diet also puts you are a greater risk for depression and anxiety. You certainly can not perform at your best if you are experiencing any of these symptoms!  It's important to acknowledge that nutrition is a crucial component of optimal performance.

Transitioning from making poor dietary choices to making healthful ones will not only improve your physical ability as an athlete but your mental capacity and overall mindset as well.  


Ask yourself what you can do better from a nutritional perspective. Even making small changes can make a big difference. Start somewhere and work your way to optimal. If you need help knowing where to start or fine tuning where you are right now listen to my program video and fill out an application to see if you are a good candidate for my program : YOUR ULTIMATE SPORTS NUTRITION GAME PLAN. Learning how to eat is the gift that keeps on giving. It will enhance your life as an athlete now and as a healthy productive human for your lifetime.   



Program Video:

Application Link: 


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