Sensational Soup

mushroom lentil soup soup Dec 14, 2021

Do you ever make something that you keep coming back to? Making it over and over again because it's that good? Making it just a little bit different each time with new additions and flavors?

Whether you answered yes or no...I have a recipe for you to try. Mushroom Lentil Soup. It's so easy it's embarrassing. And its sooooo good you'll add this to your meal rotation for sure.

As a Sports Dietitian I can tell you that this soup is loaded with sports performance boosting properties that will up level your game and your health. Lentils are as high in protein as most meats! and Mushrooms are anti-viral so you will increase your chances of avoiding illness (keeping you training strong all winter long instead of in bed sick). The broth base is high in fluid and electrolytes which will ensure optimal hydration!

Make a large batch, freeze it into portions and you will be have an easy meal or snack to  fuel your sport!

You can find the recipe here: 

Let me know if you try this recipe, if you changed anything to make it your own and how it made you feel! I love to hear your feedback!



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