The One Thing Every Athlete Should Never Forget

The One Thing Every Athlete Should Never Forget


 Are You Truly Prepared for Practice?

Would you ever show up to practice without your equipment? 🤔Think about it. Do Hockey players practice without skates? Do football players play without pads? Do swimmers hop in the pool without a suit and goggles? Technically a runner could run without shoes...but it wouldn't be very comfortable! And stepping on glass would end that practice session prematurely.


I want you to believe that  your nutrition is as important as your equipment. Why would any athlete head to practice without a snack or water bottle in their bag? You need a plan to fuel yourself to get  through practice feeling strong, fast and powerful! 


Preparation isn’t just about showing up with your gear. It’s about thinking ahead—fueling your body before, during, and after practice to perform at your best.

Here’s how you can start building that winning routine 🏆. Make 2025 this year you prioritize your nutrition by planning, packing and being prepared. 




Before Practice: Pack an energy-producing snack.

Grab something that fuels you without weighing you down.
Try these:

  1. Overnight oats in a small jar with fruit and honey.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs and a whole grain pita.
  3. A sliced apple with a single-serve packet of almond butter.
  4. Low-fat string cheese and a handful of whole-grain crackers.
  5. Plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey.
  6. Homemade protein bites (made with oats, nut butter, and honey).


During Practice: Keep your energy up.

Don’t let fatigue win—stay fueled AND hydrated.
Bring these:

  1. A hydration pack with water and electrolytes (experiment with brands like base salts, nuun tablets, and LMNT)
  2. Frozen grapes or berries (they’ll stay cool in your bag and taste refreshing).
  3. High Quality Gel like UCAN or Maurten for efficient slow releasing  carbs.
  4. Pickle juice shots (for sodium and electrolyte replenishment).
  5. A small packet of dried mango or pineapple (look for no added sugar).


After Practice: Recover like a pro.

Your body is ready to absorb nutrients and rebuild. Give it what it needs:

  1. Greek yogurt parfait with granola and fresh berries.
  2. Cottage cheese with sliced peaches or pineapple.
  3. A tuna packet with whole-grain crackers.
  4. Smoothie  pouches (check out high protein ones like Noka , Mama Chia, and Fuel for Fire
  5. Quinoa salad with chicken, veggies, salt and olive oil. Pack in a thermos and it will still be warm when you're done with practice!

By planning ahead and packing your “fuel gear,” you’ll step onto the field, court, ice or pool deck ready to give your best—and recover to come back even stronger.

This small habit can make a big difference in how you train and compete👊.


Want to take it to the next level? Apply now to work with Jenn!! 

Here’s to making 2025 your best year yet 💪!

Always in your corner🙌,


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