The ONLY 2 Things You Need to Know About Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition is simple. Society, social media, supplements salespeople, coaches, teammates complicate it. The foundation of Sports Nutrition is simple: Fuel your body well and it will do what you want (and need) it to do. I'll simplify is even more by telling you THE ONLY 2 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SPORTS NUTRITION:

1. Making good decisions about what you decide to put in your body will maximize your performance.

2. Making poor decisions about what you decide to pup in your body will hinder your performance. 

🍎As an athlete you know that eating healthy will help you. It's pretty much common sense that by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to perform will benefit your performance. So many of us do not, however make the connection that by eating an inadequate amount of nutrients that our body's require...our performance will suffer. It's commonplace to think "I'm an athlete-so I can eat junk food because I'm just going to burn  it off". Trust me-I have said the same thing myself. It's physiologically  not true. Our cells turnover at. faster rate than non-athlete and therefore we require a greater amount of nutrients for that cell turnover to occur optimally. 

πŸ’ͺThe point here is to motivate you in some way to realize that eating to support your training WILL make you a better athlete. It WILL make you feel better, it WILL give you more energy, it WILL improve your strength, it WILL create more power, it WILL enhance your endurance and it WILL allow you to be the best athlete you can be.

πŸ€”Are you confused about what to eat to support your training? It's my mission as an athlete, a coach and a Sports Dietitian/Nutritionist to help all athletes figure out exactly how to fuel in order to be the best athlete possible.

I always offer FREE discovery calls to discuss your personal goals and see how I can help you. Simply reply to this email to schedule a call πŸ“ž 


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