Top Ten Sports Nutrition Tips to Level Up Your Game TIP #9


You work so hard day in and day out to hone your skills, improve your fitness and build strength, power and endurance. IN order for your body to handle all of that training load you need to allow ample time to recover. Recovery consists of re-hydrating, re-fueling, resting, massage, stretching, and can also include mental tactics such as medication and journaling.

How you feel each day is dependent on how well you recovered the day before. As an athlete you are always either preparing for a training session or recovering for one. So consistency is the key here.

What does it look like to  recover well? Here is a breakdown:


  • Within 15-30 minutes after training is complete it is best  to consume a nutrient rich, high protein and high carbohydrate snack. Some recovery snack ideas are:
    • Low fat chocolate milk
    • Trail mix
    • Banana and peanut butter
    • Apple and almonds
    • Protein bar
    • Fruit smoothie
    • ...
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Top Ten Sports Nutrition Tips to Level up Your Game. TIP #2

Tip#2 (of 10...)

Boost your training with Antioxidants! Every time you head to practice, to the gym to lift or compete in a game or consume A LOT of oxygen! That oxygen that you consume during these activities destroys cells. Crazy right? This is called oxidative damage. Thankfully you can combat this damage by  consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants. This literally means that there are components in foods that will "undo" the damage thats done by oxygen.  These components protect your cells from further destruction and help to rebuild and strengthen them.

Foods that are high in antioxidants include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, spinach, kale, collards, apples, oranges, broccoli, kale, beans, potatoes, pecans, artichokes and plums name a few. To be honest, most of your fruits and vegetables will contain anti-inflammatory properties. There are many grains (oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa), nuts (almonds, cashews) and fish (salmon) that also...

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