January is a Joke

Don't Fall for It

January is often hailed as the month of resolutions, where a multitude of individuals eagerly plunge into challenging diet and exercise regimens like 75 Hard, Whole30, or juice cleanses -to name a few. We are a little over a week into 2024 and I already see less people in the gym and more athletes calling me up  because they have "failed" to keep their resolution. Many athletes think they need these type of challenge to "boost metabolism",  "cleanse their liver" or "cut some weight".  As a sports nutritionist for the past 2 1/2 decades, I can't help but find this January resolution fervor to be a laughable and very sad joke. Extreme approaches might yield temporary results, but more often than not they lead to disordered eating, physical injury and mental burnout. They don't provide a balance of training intensity, a healthy increase in volume or duration, and don't allow for adequate rest and recovery. Athletes need all of these and I believe that restrictive extrem...

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