Great Athletes Eat the Rainbow


I know everyone has heard the motto for Skittles to “Eat the Rainbow”, but as athletes, we want to apply this concept to our fruit and vegetable intake. IN the Nutrition 101 Blog Series, we covered all the macronutrients.  Fruits and vegetables are our main source of the micronutrients and SUPER important for athletic performance.


For a normal person, the USDA recommends 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Now remember, we are athletes and we learned in the first few posts of the Sports Nutrition 101 series that being an athlete means that we have different nutritional needs than normal people. That being said, our goal is to get 8-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day to optimize our athletic performance. 


Now this many fruits and vegetables may seem like a lot in theory, but if you think about just trying to eat a rainbow, or many different colors, of F + V each day, you can easily meet the target range of intake. 


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