Kombucha for Athletes

KOMBUCHA has made its way into health food stores, general grocery stores, delis, lunch spots and even gas stations! It has received more and more attention from the general health nut to the hard core competitive athlete.  


Kombucha is fermented food just like Kimchi, Sour Kraut and Kefir. Fermented foods are linked to improved gut health,  gut function, which is important for a number of reasons including optimal nutrient  absorption and improved immunity. Athletes don't like to get sick because it means missed playing time. Coaches don't like it because it means they lose a player during a game or competition. 


This is a phrase I hear time and time again from some of my athletes. It's true! ITs got that fermented beer smell. Some varieties even taste like beer. I suggest trying it to see if it's for you or not.  I nerve recommend drinking anything   you don't  like it. The health benefits are great....I know. But...

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