The Perfect Pre-Game or Pre-Race Meal: Fueling for Peak Performance


The Perfect Pre-Game or Pre-Race Meal: Fueling for Peak Performance

Are you wondering what to eat the night before your next football game? Field Hockey game? Soccer tourney? How about the night before a marathon? Do you have a cross country meet coming up? Swim meet on the horizon? Are you a parent who's organizing a team dinner?  No matter what's coming up for you, one thing is clear: optimizing the meal you eat the night before will set you up for optimal performance. Eating the right combination of nutrients can enhance your energy, keep you mentally sharp, and help your body recover faster. But what does the perfect pre-game meal look like? Let’s break it down.

1. Focus on Carbohydrates

The night before any competition, you want to fill your muscles with glycogen—your body’s most accessible energy source. Carbs are the best way to do this. Starting your event with ample glycogen stores will ensure that you have a continuous and  steady...

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