Electrolytes! The What and the Why.

electrolytes hydration Dec 09, 2021



Electrolytes are minerals that enhance the absorption of fluid into your cells. As athletes, we are mostly concerned with muscle cells. 

The four most important electrolytes to an athletes ability to hydrate are Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. These can absolutely be found in food. Your body can utilize food sources of electrolytes the most efficiently. BUT......when it's hot, humid, when we are involved in an endurance event,  if we are rebounding from an illness, or if we are training and competing at altitude, our hydration and electrolyte needs are higher. For this reason I would recommend a supplement. The following supplements are the one I recommend the most: Nuun Electrolyte tablets, Salt Stick Electrolyte Capsules, UCAN Hydration, and Base Salt.  


Your muscles are made mostly of water and keeping that water within the cells of your muscles will enable you to increase speed, improve power and increase endurance....

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4 Easy (and fun) Ways to Get and Stay Hydrated

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2021


Hydration is not easy for all athletes. We typically think of food as the issue when it comes to maximizing performance. Truth Bomb: Hydration is more important! Most of us don't make hydration a consistent priority. Especially if it's not hot and humid.

If hydration is your missing link, or if you struggle with it sometimes, here is a list of a couple of  fun products that can make hydrating yourself easier. 

My mission as a sports dietitian is to find ways to make it easy, convenient, and taste good so that hydration can become a reality for every athlete.  Reach out and let me know if any of these might work for you! 

True Lemon

These packets of crystalized lemon have no sugar, no artificial sugar and no calories. It will flavor your water exactly like squeezing a lemon wedge into your water would! It's a fabulous way to add some flavor to water (if you don't love drinking plain water). Its easy to pack a few in your gym bag and add it to...

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